There Is A Pretty Song For Our Pretty World Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

There Is A Pretty Song For Our Pretty World

Rating: 5.0

I want to be a singer to sing a pretty song To our pretty world and everything in it. Our pretty and sweet world needs someone to Sing a pretty song instead of an ugly bullet.
We need love and songs instead of pains and Sufferings in a world full ofaggression. We love life and life loves us because we Are tired of wars and the sounds of the bullets. A lot of people here and there are suffering The mass pains of injustice and aggression.
A lot of tents and a lot of refugees are spreading Like the wild plants in the lap of the pretty nature.
We want to live like the rest of the other people Who are enjoying life with all its pleasures happily.
We would like to sing a pretty song by day and by Night just to feel our pretty world like the other people.
There is a pretty song in our minds and our hearts, there Is a pretty song, and there is an eternal song for all
Of us to be happy.
اريد ان اكون مغنيا ليغني للعالم اغنية جميلة و لكل شيْ
فيه, يحتاج عالمنا الحلو و الجميل لشخص يغني له بدلا من ان يطلق رصاصة قبيحة بأتجاهه اننا نحتاج للحب و للأغني بدلا من الآلام و العذابات في عالم مليْ بالجور اننا نحب الحياة و الحياة تحبنا لأننا تعبون من الحروب و اصوات الرصاص هنا و هناك الكثير من الناس يعانون من كثرة الآلام و الظلم و الجور تنتشر خياما كثيرة و كذلك الكثير من اللاجئين كالنباتات البرية في حضن الطبيعة الجميل اننا نريد ان نعيش كبقية البشر الاخرين الذين يتمتعون بالحياة و مسراتها بسعادة اننا نريد ان نغني اغنية جميلة بالليل و النهار فقط لنشعر بحياتنا الجميلة مثل بقية الشعوب الاخرى هناك اغنية جميلة في عقولنا وقلوبنا و هناك اغنية ابدية لكلنا لأن نكون كلنا سعداء.


This poem is in both in English and in Arabic for all my readers worldwide to read it and to enjoy it. Your points of view means too much for me. Thanks for all my readers.
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