The Vampire Poem by Bridgid Patrick

The Vampire

Rating: 4.8

I was walking down the river bank it was just the other night
When a vampire with a fishing rod gave me a real bad fright
'I haven't had a bite all day' it said and bared its drooling fangs
'A pint or two of your cool blood will cure my hunger pangs'
It chased me down the cemetary as silent as the grave
Where spooks and ghouls& zombies were i said 'bridgid man! be brave'
The vampire leapt upon me, we tumbled and we fell
Headlong down a deep dark hole, which led right down to hell
In hell he chased the devil himself who yelled in the confusion,
'Help me bridgid baby, or ill need a blood transfusion! ! '

Robert E Hann 07 December 2006

HAHA...a good read. Words and rhyme flow nicely. RH

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Ernestine Northover 08 November 2005

Good, gruesome and it grabs you! . Well done. Sincerely Ernestine

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Uriah Hamilton 11 October 2005

This poem is funny but be careful with those vampires.

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Mary Nagy 21 April 2005

This is very cute! ! You've got a great rhythm to it. I really enjoyed it. Nicely done. Sincerely, Mary

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