The Tree In My Backyard Poem by Richard Lackman

The Tree In My Backyard

Rating: 4.8

Each day as I go out I see the tree in my backyard
I think it is a pin oak and its wood is very hard
The tree was here when I moved in about 10 years ago
Since then it got much larger with new branches that did grow
Almost across the whole yard from the west side to the east
Though now that it's about full grown I think it's growing ceased

The tree is like a neighbor whom I've known a long, long time
It surely is a beauty and I'm grateful that it's mine
Sometimes I stand and study it amazed at what I see
I know that it's alive and wonder if it senses me
The longer I'm around it I think I can tell its mood
And whether it is doing well or needing more plant food.

In spring, it seems a happy tree with leaves of fragile green
In summer, it is fully robed and regal as a queen
In fall its beauty ages as its leaves turn red and brown
In winter, branches cold and still communicate a frown
But most times it seems quite content to spread out in my yard
Not doing more than living which for it seems not too hard

As humans I think there are lessons we can learn from trees
For starters how their splendor seems to put us all at ease
And how they give so much and ask so little in return
Whether sassafras or oak or just a tiny fern
Trees seem to always live their lives with dignity and grace
While changes in the weather they seem always to embrace
They shade the earth and clean the air and never create strife
Showing us what time has taught them to succeed in life

Valerie Dohren 08 May 2012

Beautifully penned poem Dick - your tree sounds wonderful. I have a monkey puzzle in the front garden which is my treasure.

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Heather Wilson 08 May 2012

Wel, that is just a wonderful poem, I can see that oak tree it was so well described, a poem at its best.

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Melissa Carey 07 May 2012

UH! JUST PERFECT. I have long loved trees. My mom has a Pin Oak out front of our house. It is the most beautiful and massive tree. I've known it for 25 years! It's home to many animals as you can imagine. I have grown to have some sort of relationship with the trees. Whether at my moms or at Pennypack or just along drives. Watching them grow and go through the changes of each season. We have so much we can learn from trees and even animals. Japanese Red Maples are just one favorite of mine. Besides the Pin Oak. I appreciate this poem so much! Great one!

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Latisha Barker 07 May 2012

Wow, i haven't read all your poems posted here yet, because they are alot, but this is definitely my favorite read so far. That is absolutely a beautiful poem. I love it.

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Wahab Abdul 07 May 2012

nice poem about tress, lovely

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