The Tattoo Poem by Brenda Cruz

The Tattoo

Rating: 5.0

Being apart and lonely is like rain
Like rain after it rains

Being apart and lonely, to suffer
To suffer, suffer the hardest moments
The moments where you can’t breathe
Like rain, it falls
Like you, you fall
Fall and fall, never stop

When the lonely attack, don’t ever fear

Being apart and lonely is like rain
I peak down at my tattoo, the one that remind me of you. I cry
I’m lonely, a lonely bird who lost its wing

Being apart is like rain, not rain
A storm. A storm in your head
Being lonely is like a flower, not a flower
A deadly rose, yes.
A poisonous one, yes.

Being apart and lonely is like rain that touches the poisonous, deadly rose
And when the rose falls, I catch it.
It hurts, oh yes it hurts-
When the needles attacks my skin, but I don’t scream
I don’t yell. I look at the rose, the one that made my skin bleed.
I smile

I look at the blood, but I smile
And the flower melts away in my palm
And all I have left, is the blood.

I can’t breathe, but I smile
I am not apart
I am not lonely
Because now I have a thought
The thought of which I can remember over, and over
The thought about the flower tattoo that remind me of you
And the thought about the poisonous flower

Being apart and lonely is like rain
Dead rain
Rain that is invisible
And no longer visible
At all

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