The Sad Plight Of India Today Poem by Dr John Celes

The Sad Plight Of India Today

The people voted for a change
For a society, corruption-free;
But strange phenomena crop up
And common man in tears is cast.

Hidden agenda rules the roost;
Saffronization seems prime-most;
With fundamentalists active,
The citizen is crestfallen.

Secularism is now a mist;
Divisive forces is the fog;
Corruption cannot be wiped out;
The poor keeps turning poorer still!

Protect us God from our new foes;
Our rulers do not care for us;
Life is turning meaningless;
The system is not better yet.

Politicians senselessly talk;
Our neighbors act like enemies;
The fate of common man isn't changed;
Life is becoming too dreary.

The hopes of common man have crashed;
The dreams of youngsters have been dashed;
The frenzy in the air remains
Causing new woes and misery.

God, hear the pleas of innocents;
The hungry need a meal a day;
The shelterless live on pavements;
The jobless search for jobs in vain.

And taxes stay exorbitant;
The cost of food bewilders all;
All prices keep sky-rocketing;
Yet, Indians want to land on moon!

The land is riddled by crimes much;
More terrorists are on the prowl;
Our jawans die guarding borders;
Corrupt sleep well while rapes recur.

The people are now disgusted,
With wounds of hearts and minds galore;
They need a balm immediately
To heal their wounds most speedily.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 11-12-14

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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