The Post-Independence Period Indian English Poetry Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

The Post-Independence Period Indian English Poetry

To talk of the post-independence period Indian English poetry
Is to talk of the modern hollow men,
The hollow and shallow men of the waste land,
Modern life and culture,
Modern city culture and tradition,
Urban space and congested living,
Gasping for fresh air and light.

They are actually not poets and poetesses,
But have become so
Through collaboration
And we too had been in the need of,
Searching for Indian voices in English
As this is not called poetry,
But versification.

Devoid of Indian thought and culture, religion and philosophy,
Metaphysics and spirituality,
Theology and transcendental vision,
Myth and mysticism,
Write they the private and personal verses
In their own way,
Even the first poem writers as promising poets
With the books on the anvil.

P.Lal's Writers Workshop is a factory of poets,
The nameless comrades and cadres as poets,
A firm of vanity publications,
His credo a combination or amalgamation
Of first poem writers and first authors,
Struggling to write,
Writing anonymously
To perfect themselves.

The men of mediocre merit the modern poets,
The modern hollow and shallow men,
Hollow and shallow from within,
The poets and poetesses of the urban space,
The men and women of trivial reckoning,
Rhymed doggerel or broken statements
With the kernels of poetic tidbits in the them.

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