The Politics Of Fear In America Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

The Politics Of Fear In America

Americans never understood the complicated
ramifications of the Patriot Act
using the inherent fear all people have of each other.
When driven into hidding, where once good people
could spread far and wide
to evolve beyond American politics and racial limits.
Without contact with each other we are dehumanized.
Martial law will come, not if but when
people become afraid to walk the streets they live in.
Turning each other upon, setting legal precedents
once set into motion driven by fear, civil reasoning
can not for decades bring back.
The Roman Colosseum is more than a land mark to history
one half million human beings lost their lives there.
Compounded interest in modern day numbers
would reprehensibility represent thirty to fourty million
Innocent Jews in Hitlers ovens,
where the only people afraid were the people being killed
for the shocking entertainment of those watching.
Can a racist argue in American courts Jews are Black.
Confusion ensues where you are told that the opposite
of Vote or Die to most means.
Could America create one million Jobs by changing the
appearance of the homeless, would they, would you?
They they represent you,
are you this faceless representation of them that you stand for,
and what in your name that they claim they are doing for you?
Human beings are the condition called you.
The Supreme court now will decide on what you write to be heard
because of your fear of each other.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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