The Never Ending Rumours Poem by Nerissa Morton

The Never Ending Rumours

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She did this,
She did that
The rumours constantly flying
The rumours vary in such size but the effects;
The effects can be seen on their faces
They are scared;
They are sad;
They are humiliated;
They are shocked;
They are mad
No matter how the feeling is pinpointed they are all hurt

The battle is neverending in life;
The battle for the rumours to come to a hault
For people to put down their guns;
To stop fighting;
To stop causing such pain

Rumours hold a resemblence to war;
The fighting;
The torture;
And most of all,
The hurt

It drags some people to the edge of a cliff
Many do not take the plunge;
But some do
That doesn't stop the rumours though
The intention was so they would stop the rumours;
But all it does is create a change in terms;
From present tense
To past

The gunshots finally took them out of this world;
But their memories will always remain
The guilt will never leave the people who helped;
Helped pull the trigger and end a life

You fire bullets from your mouth
Carelessly, you do this
You don't take the time to think;
'What if this upsets them? ';
'What if it is misinterrpreted? '

The words of someone mean so much
They can make someone so happy;
So, peaceful
Yet they can cut someone in half;
Leaving them miserable

A war within itself

Nerissa Morton

Nerissa Morton

Tauranga, New Zeland
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