The Music, The Waves And The Children-The Symbol Of Freedom Poem by chayamsu v r

The Music, The Waves And The Children-The Symbol Of Freedom

"your voice is wild and simple.
you are untranslatable
into any one tongue."- anna akhmatova,
like the straightforward moves
of the innocent waves,
over the fencepost* on the cost
to the unwanted sands for them, -
where children once strolled
to pick the frozen pebbles**,
your voice gives a magical whispering,
into the ears of the listeners,
until it is melted into the soul,
with aspirations of a tranquility,
when they are in lethargy.

the quote from anna akhmatova is done by sony jose vellookkaran posting.
*here the large and bulky granite stones that prevents the sea advent the shore beyond their limits.children are fee.and the waves too.both are not allowed to stray on the sands.but when chance comes both the waves and children (slyly for children) get there.while the waves give the pebbles and take some sands back to roll it into pebbles again to deposit on the sands for these children, who pick up them to raise mansions of hopes that would toy their life some there and some here, not knowing what would be a tomorrow.and they are freee to die not on their own will.others are willing.that's what is going on here.children, waves and the music together give us a sprawling treasure of happiness in free land.
*you see under the stalinist terror there was horrible suffering of the common people.
the requiem was composed by by anna akhmatova, written between 1935 and 1940 akhmatova composed, worked and reworked the long sequence in secret, depicting the suffering of the common people.she carried it with her, redrafting, as she worked and lived in towns and cities across the soviet union. it was not at all in her collected works, it gave its explicit condemnation of the purges.the work in russian finally appeared in book form in munich in 1963.the whole work not published within the u s s r until would become her best known work.when i saw the name of anna akhmatova i was forced to go through certain thoughts and as an epilogue
a free nation and the republic should not enjoy the terrorism.there should not be any walls of narrow minded purposeful contamination that would bring the freedom a matter of 'nightmares'. nothing more to say
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