The Male 'pram Pusher' Poem by Greg Costello

The Male 'pram Pusher'

There seems to be three separate species of the male pram pusher.

Firstly, there is the Dad that brims with paternal pride. When out for a family drive, he will have the pram assembled and the child strapped in, before the car has ground to a halt. It would be unsurprising also, had he been involved in the packing of the baby bag, prior to leaving. These Dads are very comfortable wearing harnesses and baby carriers.

Secondly, there is the Dad who will push the pram, but will first check whose turn it is. This is especially important when there is only one child, as his turn off, will allow for texting friends and checking sporting results. In some cases, the turn-taking is extended to the nappy changing.

Thirdly, there is the Dad that flat out does not want to do it. He sees it as a challenge to his masculinity, and much more obviously, a woman's job. This type of Dad is very easily spotted, as he pushes one-handed and attempts to walk alongside the pram, creating the impression it is moving of it's own volition. It's the best he can do to dilute the potential embarrassment of being seen by his friends. Bad enough to be spotted doing it, but worse still, the fact his pals will know that he has acted under the direction of his other half.

Greg Costello

Greg Costello

Dublin, Rep. of Ireland
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