The Last Indulgence Poem by Piyush Dey

The Last Indulgence

Rating: 5.0

Dusts of pain shall come and go,
storms of rain shall swing and
Winters of tears shall smile and
But, O trees, may you never fall
off from the roots that has been
grown from the womb of your
mother earth, may the nests that
rest upon your branches never
mingle away with the moistness
in the air,
weather will never be so calm
and mum in the coming days,
you have got to prepare
yourself before the time play
it's evil bout, who knows what
is written next, or if something
is written or not,
maybe my dear, this is the last
the day when you might be judged,
so lift your arms full in the sky
and stretch them so loosely that
the wind may shy away to brace
your kind gesture,
O trees, lovely trees, my dear
trees, let's indulge ourselves
in this great sea of pleasure
like no one else and rustle like
waves itself forever.

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
You won't get a second life.
Amitava Sur 01 September 2014

A beautiful poem wishing everybody to live a peaceful life before the end comes maybe my dear, this is the last day, .... very rightly said.

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 22 August 2014

Who knows when the time will turn and will be up for the next tree to leave this earth......though trees are selfless creatures always looking to the sky and praying for the mankind but they fall prey to is an irony and a tragedy as well.........Very well composed...Piyush......10/10

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Valsa George 21 August 2014

Like trees that can be cut down anytime, human life may also come to an end abruptly! So enjoy life as long as allowed! The image of the tree with rustling leaves and branches spread around and somegrowing up, harbouring nests in its soothing shade is lovely! Enjoyed the poem Piyush!

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Akhtar Jawad 21 August 2014

I agree with Daniel Brick, it's a thought provoking poem.

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Daniel Brick 21 August 2014

You have 79 poems. With A TINY BLACK SPIDER which you just read sympathetically, my grand total of poems reached 79! There are others here at PH who have 300 poems or 500, or even more, in the thousands. But I am satisfied with the steady, organic growth of my poems. I'm not going to race to write my next 21 poems to reach 100 poems. It's not numbers that matter but quality. Which brings me to this poem, so carefully written, so thoroughly considered. You don't rush its conclusion - only one life per individual - but rather let the reality of the situation unfold. I must admit I found it uncanny and felt apprehension concerning judgment. I suppose an individual firm in his faith and confident his actions fulfill that faith has nothing to fear. How many can say this themselves about? .Your poem is thought provoking.

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