The Fire Poem by General TripleD

The Fire

(Burning away your fear)

Imagine a fire, a regular fire
It’s late, late enough
You are enjoying the heat and comfort the fire provides
Yet u are not alone
Next to you, there are some friends
After a long and exciting day
Everybody is calm and relaxed, enjoying the fire
One of your friends just finished playing a song on his guitar
While wondering what the next day might bring
It’s quiet and yet it’s not
Dreams and thoughts float through the fire
And the fire floats through your dreams
Looking up, you realize everybody is looking up
Eyes meet eyes and all those eyes meet the fire

Flames: red, orange, white
Sometimes a lonely spark jumps out of the fire
Floating towards the stars
You try to track these sparks
Yet they always disappear before u see where they are going
So you look back at the fire, into the flames
Red, Orange, White

All of a sudden you notice the wood
The wood is hot, you can feel it, you can see it
Cracks cover the surface of the wood
You follow them, while wondering where they might go
The cracks keep disappearing and reappearing
Till you notice the fire once more
Only to find out it’s not just a fire

It’s a window, an opportunity
Taking you back to your childhood
The little boy or girl, pushing his or her face against the window
Wondering what could be found behind it
At first you only see a dim reflection of the flames
Red, Orange, White
Slowly images appear
They come close but fade away before you can see what they ‘re about
Still you want more
You don’t only want to see the images
You want to experience them
Suddenly an image pops up
A desert
Sand as far as you can see
You search for the meaning of this desert
Then u see something
A lonesome knight
Riding on a tired horse

A knight in the middle of nowhere
What in earth could he be looking for
Here in the desert, where everything is quiet and nothing ever happens
You look closer and closer
So close that u can almost hear the horse
It’s breathing heavily and sweat is streaming down its back
You imagine the sounds of the heavy armour the knight is wearing
And then u see it, when the knight stops for a second
He’s holding a piece of paper
An empty piece of paper
Except for one spot, a red cross
Right next to this cross, there is a small text: “Danger”

Before u realise the true meaning of this one word
The knight carries on
And you look around, searching for the danger
It seems rather weird
For the desert is so quiet, almost empty when u take away the sand
The knight and his horse continue
Nothing happens
The time passes
You start to wonder whether the knight is even close to the red cross

All of a sudden bandits attack the surprised knight
Everything stops at this point
Time is no more

Slowly you become aware of your friends
You know they all saw the same thing
Even though no one said a word

Once more eyes meet eyes
You all wonder what happened to that lonesome knight
Unconsciously you all decide to help
So you look back into the fire

Time is back from being lost

You quickly push your face against the glass
Looking for the image
Before you know it you are standing next to the knight
Together, together with your friends
The bandits quickly disappear
While the knight starts to talk
You start fading away
Dragged back through the window
Towards the fire
You are able to see one last glimpse of a surprised knight in shiny armour
Riding on his horse
Only this time the desert is gone
Instead, he’s in a forest
In a world without danger

Then you return to yourself
And wake up
You stop looking at the fire
Once more eyes meet eyes
Only this time the fire is gone

It’s morning
But the memory of last night is still alive

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