The End..... The Beginning Poem by Lora Colon

The End..... The Beginning

Rating: 5.0

The End.....

She sits in the dark, staring at the moon,
A love so fragile died today,
Instead of flowers, bitter tears are strewn
'Round a heart withering in decay

The unending grief consuming her world
Explodes..... hurled to an unknown sphere,
A torment revealed, emotions unfurled,
All her dreams sink and drown in each tear

Adrift in a void, a ship with no sail,
A narrative not worth reading,
So her Book of Life tells a tragic tale.....
A mortal wound.... a heart left bleeding

Morning has broken.... her pain is awake,
She reflects on that crimson stain,
Her folded wings start to open and quake,
How she longs to fly far from this pain

As the morning dawns, she wears a strange look,
Watching hope prepare to depart,
Surmising the end, she closes the book,
How will she break the news to her heart?

The Beginning.....

The sun has risen, dark hours are now gone,
His gentle touch awakens her,
The birds have been singing long before dawn,
But his love is what caused her to stir

Joyful spirits are dancing in her heart
With a passion she can't control,
The veil of loneliness now torn apart,
How his love speaks to her very soul!

Her heart, held captive in an iron cage,
Wrapped in ice, passion could not flow,
Today, her Book of Life turned a new page,
In her eyes there shines the warmest glow

Morning has broken, her joy is awake,
Sad tenants of her bleak domain
Whisper farewell, with no thirst left to slake,
No unreturned affections to feign

A new day is born, her heart is now held
By the man who taught her to sing,
He rescued the heart where sadness once dwelled,
He called her Queen.... she made him her King!

Sunday, September 28, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Pradip Chattopadhyay 29 September 2014

the book of life that tells a tragic tale turns a new page... that says all Lora.

4 5 Reply
Kumarmani Mahakul 12 October 2014

Beautiful composition.

10 4 Reply
Amitava Sur 04 October 2014

A beautiful imagery of two distinct opposite stages. At one stage: So her Book of Life tells a tragic tale..... And at other stage: Sad tenants of her bleak domain Whisper farewell, Very nice thoughtful write.

8 4 Reply
Mallika Achuthan Menon 03 October 2014

This is such a lovely poem, apparently simple, but deep in its content! Enjoyed reading!

7 6 Reply
Brian Johnston 01 October 2014

Your poem reminds me deeply of Hermann Hesse's Poem called 'Stages' here on PoemHunter. Hesse shows us no Queen that makes his life worth living, but calls on his own heart to join him on his journey, confident in a Cosmic Spirit that is always leading him to a home that will meet his needs. Whoever your King may be, and wherever the two of you may call home and rest your souls, know too dear Poet, that your King, your future home, are always a part of God's plan for your life and that following that plan will always lead to a better you. Your future happiness is never really the gift of another (in my opinion.) Remember what George Bush used to say till he was laughed out of office 'I am the Decider.' Some people still think they are God and well, what can you say. Ha! Stages As every flower fades and as all youth Departs, so life at every stage, So every virtue, so our grasp of truth, Blooms in its day and may not last forever. Since life may summon us at every age Be ready, heart, for parting, new endeavor, Be ready bravely and without remorse To find new light that old ties cannot give. In all beginnings dwells a magic force For guarding us and helping us to live. Serenely let us move to distant places And let no sentiments of home detain us. The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us But lifts us stage by stage to wider spaces. If we accept a home of our own making, Familiar habit makes for indolence. We must prepare for parting and leave-taking Or else remain the slave of permanence. Even the hour of our death may send Us speeding on to fresh and newer spaces, And life may summon us to newer races. So be it, heart: bid farewell without end.

8 5 Reply
Khairul Ahsan 29 September 2014

Your poems always touch a chord! 10/10.

4 8 Reply
Lora Colon

Lora Colon

Missouri - United States
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