The Daughters Of Hesperus Poem by Steve Trimmer

The Daughters Of Hesperus

When Gaea was a Young Muse, a Garden She bequeathed
To Great Goddess Hera, forthwith, upon Her wedding to Zeus
Golden Apples hath fructified, prolifically, in the orchards of the Garden
This Garden, nigh mountain held by Atlas, to support the Sky of Uranus (Mote it be Urana) , wast guarded under the charge of a Dragon
(Mote it be The Dragoness) .......

`Twas Garden of Hesperus
He who loved The Hera
He, The Star of Eventide
Did reside
And tend with pride
The Garden of The Hera bride

For Hesperus begot three comely Daughters, `The Hesperides`
Many sought the Golden Apples, whence bore,
In The Garden of Hesperides
The Garden wast renowned, name carried
By King of The Winds; Aeolus

Thy name, all bespeak;

On North Wind-Boreas, hearken!
On East Wind-Eurus, hearken!
On South Wind-Notus, hearken!
On West Wind-Zephyr, hearken!

With hie, Hercules came, on Eleveth Labour of Malediction;
Invective words uttered to Proteus-Old Man of The Sea
Proteus succumbed to the brute of Zeus, rendering directions to The Garden
Hercules then foiled Atlas by wiles, heister of Golden Apples
Even The Sons of Tuireann hath penchant for thy Golden Apples,
On quest from Land of Eire

Oh! Hera and The Muse Daughters of Hesperus
Both poets and prosemen dote for thee...................and
Thy Golden Apples of Golden Wisdom

Steve Trimmer

Steve Trimmer

Manitoulin Island, Ontario
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