That Distance Between The City Of Madaya And The City Of Middadiya Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

That Distance Between The City Of Madaya And The City Of Middadiya

An ugly road map is drawn To our present and to our future By evil and its evil-doers anytime, Anywhere, and everywhere, but We keep sticking to our past to Mix it with our current present and With our coming future... Madaya suffers from evil and its Evil-doers hard just to survive and Al-Miqddadiya suffers from evil and Its evil-doers too... Both of them, that is, The city of Madaya and The city of Miqddadiya refuse to kneel down To evil and to evil-doers anytime... Sacrifices and big losses are greatly over there, but Pride is a great headline over there... Death reaps more and more of The two heroic cities, but They refuse to kneel down, but To the Al-Mighty God... It is merely a passing cloud that Crosses over there... Men's eyes never sleep Simply because a brilliant dawn will be in there... Satanic sermons about consciousness or Unconsciousness never bring peace or Stability to that on-going infighting, but More and more troubles and fires... A great nation will not die As long as it believes that God's Will is Totally over those evil-doers' will... If today temporarily theirs, then The whole coming days will be inevitably ours For ever and ever... Madaya and Al-Miqddadiya will be torches To all of us towards our pretty freedom Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere... We stand greatly united with The heroic City of Madaya and with Its lovely sister Al-MIddadiya as long as We are alive... _______________________________________________________________________

That Distance Between The City Of Madaya And The City Of Middadiya
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