Tale Of A Great Nation(Democratic The-Make-Crazy) Poem by Kunle Adebayo

Tale Of A Great Nation(Democratic The-Make-Crazy)

Among nations
mine is a special one, a great one
Among climes ours the best
Among leaders ours experts
Among the people are we the greatest
Who has never tasted
A nigerian for a friend?

Good people great nation
Who would unravel the spring of madness
That seized a political leader
Whom people would not allow
To bear the crown?

Among nations ours the best
The masses too dull to drink the milk
The chiefs so brilliant That half the milk's gone
Our leaders are the best
Who send their children to
Schools beyond the sea beyond the clime
The schools home being too excellent
To teach their excellencies' wards and kids
Born with silver spoons
Dangling in their mouths

Hail the king! a
Hail his democratic highness!
Hail the chiefs!
Hail those beautiful brains
That produce our just laws
That make the king trillions
The chiefs billions
And the masses sorrow and grieve

And are our people not the greatest?
Who are sharper than the sky
Brilliant than the brilliantest
To collect beautiful thin sums
And sell their votes
They know the king
Having mounted the thrown
May be too busy to note
The syllables of their grievances
And the tiny sum should
Serve their own dividends
Of our dear the-main-crazy

Our leaders're the best Who tell us to forget
What the country can do for us
But to think of what we can do
For the nation, our dear nation
Yes we will forget
Forget what our leaders can do for us
And think
Think of what we can sacrifice
For our leaders our saviours
Let us all starve
For our leaders need to be comfortable
To make our laws
Lest the leaders count their loss

What people, clime what nation
Can compete with ours?

Hail the king
Hail the chiefs for indeed
We're good perple, great nation.

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