'Swimming With A Shark' Poem by Bernard Snyder

'Swimming With A Shark'

Rating: 3.5

She tried to warn me
right from the start,
she said she had a friend
that had stolen her heart,
even though I was warned from the very beginning
I liked her so much I kept right on swimming,
I know winning her over would be tough to do
so, when she gave me an opening
I slipped right through,
Now that I'm in
the water seemed to have gotten deeper,
I'm not so sure
that she's a real keeper,
I think she swims along
plays her part,
but she can't 'feel'
because she doesn't have a heart,
I've even thought about backing off
so, maybe she could find
the soulmate she'd lost,
but I also know that she really needs me
and swimming away from her
isn't quite so easy,
but so often I ask myself
what role do I play
am I just another 'fish'
or am I standing in the way,
I hate being confused from one day to the next,
feels like I'm tangled up
in a fisherman's net,
a part of me would like to leave
and get out of the dark
but there's the other side
thats madly in love with the shark

Elena Plotkin 01 August 2013

Great poem! Great analogy! We are all shark bait.

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Tanvi Damle 15 March 2011

i can totally relate 2 dis 1..luvd da way u've written it

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Rekha Mandagere 19 July 2011

Friend, how wonderfully you bring out hidden feelings! To love or not to love that woman is a ever unsolved question of the complex human mind. I liked the rhyme and as usual I love the tone of this poem.Marks 10

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Tanvi Damle 15 March 2011

dis is sumthn i can totally relate 2 n felt so gud reading it, yea tat feelin kindda sux..da way u've written it is realli nice

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Mohammad Muzzammil 15 March 2011

Nice poem to describe a good matter, that is no doubt of an intruder of heart. Anyhow, your poem is great in both language and expression.

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Tom Allport 06 August 2017

a wonderful poem of the dangers of pursuing something dangerous? ................superbly written.

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Michael Walker 22 September 2016

A fine extended metaphor of love and swimming.

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Edward Kofi Louis 21 June 2015

To warm me; with the muse of love. Nice work.

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Kewayne Wadley 02 April 2015

I love the concept! The sense of style you brought to this one! Niiiice lol!

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Chinedu Dike 09 January 2015

A lovely poem, well articulated and penned with insight. Love is a spiritual experience that cannot be influenced unduly, an experience that makes its entrance into the heart without knocking and also departs without warning. If it's there, it's there. And if it's not there, it may probably never be there. It's a beautiful poem. Thanks for your remarks about my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON.

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