Survival Mode Poem by Gregory PierreJerome

Survival Mode

I see today right now and not the future
In a deserted island alone I seek for life
As civilization grew I went along feeding on its scraps
Through slavery and segregation I suffered brutally
The wisdom I have is all mines with no inheritance
All I do is seek God for a moment of happiness and never joy
Some of me try as others prosper on my downfall
When will I ever stand tall?
Education I have but how does that make things better
I should be one as a body not cut off with knives
I sin and hide under the Lord's beautiful wrap
Yes it is true He loves me with abundance
I am never obedient but still I wait on his miracles
Take some deed, then I know my sons will beat obstacles
I should take action and make a better life for us
Instead of taking advantage on sitting in front of the bus
I reap a harvest already reaped
Who shall lead the young to come for I could not led myself
Growing with a community full of wisdom
blossoming like lilies in a shining light
So I ask, stop blaming the past and racism as it grows
I am in a survival mode as survival mode is in me

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