Suburban Bound Commuter Poem by Francis Duggan

Suburban Bound Commuter

Commuters from the City on the suburban train
Going back home to their loved ones their faces show the strain
Of people who have worked hard through the long tiring day
For working men and women there is no easy pay.

A hard day at the office or on the building site
They leave home before daybreak and return in the night
Suburban bound commuter your spouse and children for you wait
As they do every evening beside the garden gate.

Suburban bound commuter you left home at daybreak
You can't afford to miss your stop, you fight to stay awake
Last evening you slept and missed your stop and for supper you were late
And you lost an hour in travel time and reached home after eight.

Suburban bound commuter your praises are unsung
You work to raise your family and your children are still young,
You work to earn social respect you have your secret dream
That in years from now your children will bring you great esteem.

Suburban bound commuter your Country owe to you
And through your hard work and endeavour you may see your dreams come true
Your little son or daughter may one day know great fame
And make you feel so very proud that they have your family name.

Suburban bound commuters you left for work at daybreak
And now you make the journey home fighting to stay awake
And your spouses and your children each evening for you wait
For to hug and welcome you back home beside the garden gate.

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