**spiritual Practice In The Nafs ** Poem by SAKISABRE Saki

**spiritual Practice In The Nafs **

6. Murakaba of Taw-waak-kool in the Nafs Latifa: -

Niyaat as__ I am turned to my nafs, with the waasila of my Hujur's nafs it is turned to Allah swt, let Allah allah zikr-, noor-muhabbat come to my nafs; My nafs gets Fayeez of tawak-kool Yaa Allah! press your will power! Mouse catching attention! feel u see the nafs! Hit with the sound of Allah as if u hit a rusty Tin & sweep away the rust like sins & filths from the nafs by the Sound Hoo....So the hit Allah & sweep by hoo! Absolute dependence on Allah is tawaak-kool! who has this quality he has Taw-waak-kool! Nafs is the naval root which, when becomes purified is colorless dazzling Star! ...wish that the muhabbat of allah's zikr and fayiz of taw-waak-kool let come to my nafs... Apply will force vehemently with zikr ..allah sound will beat the nafs but hoo will sweep the rust of disobedience...apply will power and long let Allah hoo Allah zikr prevails on my nafs.....My nafs admits Allah zikr...the baatin mouth of my nafs be started with zikr of Allah...let the darkness of evils be cleansed from my nafs...let the satan's Camp be demolished from my nafs.. let my nafs be one who has surrendered to Allah.. Masters of TARIQAs have opined that if you can purify your nafs; you can depend on Allah... so it needs power to depend on Allah not by words but by deeds as hear: -

'Khuliqal insaanu Dawaayeefa'
..we are created with the nature of weakness..
So we need shelter..we need a companion...we need a source of power... that will help us by giving courage, by giving confidence, in this way dependence on Allah will be created.. n Allah becomes enough for the bandah...
' waa maiyaa twa-wakkal allahi fahuwa hasbuhu'
...One who depends on Allah; He(allah) is enough for him..
Nafs has stages to pass..one certain type is called am-maara..it is that what we get after our maturity of knowledg/ it is evil and give strict order to perform/ it loves to be involved in sin: -

'innan nafsaa laa ammaraatum bis-suiye '
Certainly human Nature always persuade to evil works..
Compels you to do evil in this way or that way.. when you beat it by zikr of Allah; it defeats and gradually it changes as Lauaama....
This stage is imbalanced stage..it then sometimes do evil of kabirah.. again remorse and do zikr but suddenly do evils and remorse again.. but still Allah praises it: -

' waa laa wooqsimu bin nafsil-lauwaama'..swear I on that nafs who criticizes of self..i do love this nafs as it does evil but again weeps for the deed and ask forgiveness! !
The lauwaama one day becomes mut-mahyeenah by doing zikr of Allah... now he is a peaceful soul...he is full imaander bandaah..he has surrendered to Allah.. he rarely does any saagirah evil..this stage- a soul can depend on Allah.... on this stage...Allah entitles him Nafsil mootmah innah...Generally Alim-e-haq and Auliallah have such sort of nafs..he/she hear the call: - ' yaa aiaatoo hun nafsool moot-maa-innah toor-zee-yee ilaah rabbiki raadiaatum murdiaahtaan fudkhulifee yeebaadi waadkhooli jannati'...so let my nafs be nafsool mutmaainnnah...apply will power for the muraqaba....

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