**spiritual Knowledge On Meditation Of Some Aiyah** Poem by SAKISABRE Saki

**spiritual Knowledge On Meditation Of Some Aiyah**

Bismil laahir rwahmaanir rwahim:
(niyah connects you with the fayiz= series of spiritual noor=light in general sense but they are more refined n subtler..beginning of muraqaba shutting your eyes.. why shutting eyes? when u shut the eyes of Zaahir then the baatin eyes automatically opens zaahir/ existing that u see...baatin existing but you canot see as u don't have the quality or capability!) um turned and attentive to my qalb; via my morshed kibla's qalb, it is turned and attended to the aiyaat 'waa huaa mawaakum ainaama kuntoom' as per the nisbaat of Qadria Tariqa; Let the fayeez of the aiyah be prevailed on my Qalb yaa Allah! In the condition of Muraqaba, recite the aiyah at times...Every letter of the Holy Quran has hidden meaning......Evey sura has a muraqaba / every line has a muraqaba! 'and he is with you; where ever you stay'

2 'Faaz-kurunee azkurkum'...(same niyah of muraqaba) meaning- 'then you remember me(Allah): I'll remember you too'

3 'Ainamaa tual-loo fasamma waz-hul lah...same niyahmeaning- 'wherever you turn Allah's glory and strength are found'

4 'kul-lu-mun alaihaa faaneoo waa yaab-qa-wazhoo rabbiqa to be cont! ! ..same niyahmeaning- 'whatever is existing is matter of peril except the Great Renowned & Great strong Allah'

5 'waa naahnu aqrabu ilahi min-haablil warid'...same niyahmeaning- -'I am (Allah) nearer to man than the nearness of their neck vein '

6 'waallahu bikulli shai-im-moohit'...same niyahmeaning- -'And Allah has encompassed everything'

7 'alaam yaalam bi-un-nalaaha yaaraa'...same niyahmeaning- -'Doesn't he(man) knows that certainly Allah sees? '

8 'inna maiyee rabbi saiyaah-dini ' same niyah meaning- -'Certainly my rob is with me; soon He will show me the right path'

9 'waa maa arsaal naaka illa rwah-matalil aalamin' same niyahmeaning- 'I (Allah) send you only (muhammad saw) as the blessing for the whole universe '

10 'laa haolaa waalaa qooataa illah billah' same niyahmeaning- - 'there is no power to protect from sins & make good works except Allah's Help'

11 'hooal awaaloo waal aakhiru waaz-zaahiroo waal baatin' same niyahmeaning- -'He(Allah) is the first; He is the Last; He is the visible; He is the invisible'

12 'ainamaa takunoo uoodrik-kumool maaoot' same niyahmeaning- - ' Death shall catch you, where ever you stay '

(mohammad jahoorul islam MJI)

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