Special Friend Poem by Abhay Vignesh Liginlal

Special Friend

Dedicate to my classmate and 'better than a best friend ' Krishnan Potti')

The rain has held back for many days
The festival season is far off, though I remain in my ferry
I hide all my emotions within me as I wear a mask of restrain
Rowing eternally like this I know few friends I can trust
They all wear a mask of sympathy and go their way;

Amidst all this commotion I have one friend
He is not my guru but he is like a mentor
He is not my best friend but he is still a special friend
Our paths keep crossing now and then though our interests vary
I keep trusting him with all my secrets though he is just a special friend;

Though he often tries to ignore me
There are times when he is better than a brother,
In my world he is the most incomprehensible work
Logically I am a solipsist and he is just a special friend
Now when he keeps ignoring me I am emotionally held at bay
I am baffled as he had never been like this even when provoked
What strange reason has made him hate me like this?

Perhaps this darkness will pass like every cloud in the stormy sky
Whatever happens this friend will always remain special
For I already have so many memories I can cherish forever
It has started raining now and the festival of harvest will soon arrive.

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