*someone Else Knows You Better* Poem by Lolita Hiroshi

*someone Else Knows You Better*

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You gave me hope
You gave me confidence
You gave me so much
But i have given you nothing in return
How can i repay you for all your love?

YOu say my trust is enough for you
I dont believe that is true
I want to give you more
I want to give you what you deserve

You dont deserve this harsh life
You dont deserve this pain inside
You deserve something good
You deserve a reward for all you went through

I know you hide
I know you well
I know you better
than others ever will
But no one can compare
on how much God knows about you
And one day he wiil reward you
For all the pain you have gone through

If you believe in Him
He will not let you bear
More than you can endure
HE is our Savior
He is our Lord
He is the Creator
He should be our whole world

He knows you better than i do
And i know thats scary
He knows all our joys
He knows all you have endured
But whats really scary
Is He knows our mistakes as well
And that can sometimes
Put you down
But dont let yourself drown
He is our king
He has the crown

He wont let you down

He went through so much more
He die on a cross to save this world
He endured more pain than you and I
He die for us,
He gave us the opportunity to have eternal life

NOw dont waste your time
on things that dont matter
Dont worry about about the things that you cant change
For now on i suggest
That you let go of that past
Leave it behind, i now its hard
I am still in the process of doing that
But now i have God by my side
My heart is filled with pride
I know you and you know me
But God knows us better
As scary as it is
Its better to believe

My trust will never be enough
But God will always be there by your side
YOu have my trust forever and for always
For you picked me up when i was down
Thank you for not letting me drown.

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