Snow Poem by Afrooz Jafarinoor


Rating: 5.0

Out the window the snow was beautiful
And the mountain in the snow was beautiful
And the tree,
Oh when the snow falls on the tree!

Now beauty is cold
And I'm cold
Struggling for a bit of warmth
In a paltry fur coat!

The road is covered with snow
And numb are the feet
Stuck in beauty deep!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,regret
Melvina Germain 20 October 2015

Great imagery, I must say you suceeded in taking me to the place where I can see the tree blanketed with snow...Marvelous.....

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 21 October 2015

Thanks for reading!

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Kelly Kurt 16 August 2015

Afrooz. I have read many of your poems and you do an outstanding job. Not only in the poetic sense, but in translating your thoughts to English. Keep up the good work. Peace

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 16 August 2015

Sure I will keep up dear Kelly with this much of encouraging support I receive from top members like you!

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Vera Sidhwa 16 August 2015

And oh when the snow falls on the trees, Oh how beautiful it can be. These are the top few corrections you requested. Your poem is beautiful.

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Roseann Shawiak 13 August 2015

Great imagery, beautiful display of snow through your poem! Good one! Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 14 August 2015

Thank you for reading and your kind comment!

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