Sisters Poem by Jenay Brown


What can I say about them?
I have one
But, she loves me so much
Yes, we fight
But, in the end we are always there for each other

We may say we hate each other
And we do that a lot
But that's just because sisters are forever

Whenever Im sad my sister is there
Whenever Im mad my sister is there
whenever I need my sister she is there

And right now
She needs me
She just had a baby

She was three months early
We were are scared
We didn't think she would live
But she did

She is a healthy little girl
She is beautiful, Smart, and Pretty
Just like her mommy.

I love my sister I really do.
She loves me too.
I have my have other 'sisters' in my life
But no one can take the place
Of my real sister

She is the reason I like to make new friends
She is the reason Im not shy
She is the reason Im who I am today.

No one can see how much I love my sister
She is my other half
We talk about everything
She helps me throw the rough times
And I help her

I don't like to see my sissy crying
It makes me sad
She is beautiful
Why should she cry?

That's right
Because people tell her she should do something
That she doesn't want to do
Like drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend
So, they can take care of their kid

But, she doesn't want to do that
She wants to finish school
She want to get good grades
She want to finish high school with her friends

And that's what she is gonna do
She is gonna stay in school
And stay with my family

She is my sister
And she always will be
Even if we are split apart
She will always be my sister

She is my world
My bestfriend
My sister

And I never want anything to happen to her. <3

My sister and I are best friends. We have been since we were born. She never lets anything happen to me. She will sometimes take the blame for stuff I did. But I never want her in trouble either. My sister and I are best friends forever. It isn't like any of sisters out there. Other sisters fight like 24/7. My sister and I we don't even really fight that much. And if we do, its only like for an hour. Because then I have something funny to tell her by the time we have finished our fight.
I love my sister will all my heart. <3
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