Sestina Pacifying Africa Poem by David N. Munene

Sestina Pacifying Africa

I hear bitter wails and screams
From my beloved land Africa
Hell has obviously broken lose
And no one seems to much care
Africa is getting torn apart
By that which should Africa unite

Numerous calls for Africa to unite
Are made in calls and screams
From nations stationed on the globe apart
Earnestly seeking peace for Africa
I wonder whether Africans care
Or are they happy to their blacks lose

The continent seems to its tranquility lose
And completely refuses to unite
Its people will not submit to love and care
When love calls, Africans respond in screams
And continue ripping my, our Africa
With indisputable ruthlessness apart

United Nations keeps warring soldiers apart
Claiming not another life will the continent lose
But with soldiers they infest Africa
Separating foes instead of having them unite
Thence emanates louder, anguishing screams
Till the pacifiers begin stopping to care

Do African gods in the heavens the care?
Are they happy to have African throats ripped apart?
Perhaps they feel appeased by the African screams?
For the African gods have nothing to lose?
And are pleased when we don’t unite?
That is why they have left Africa

How I wish we would unite Africa
And end the screams with care
For when Africa tears apart, we our paradise lose

David N. Munene

David N. Munene

Kalimoni, Kenya
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