Robbery At The Bank Of My Heart Poem by Ronald Doku

Robbery At The Bank Of My Heart

Rating: 5.0

Hopes and dreams set ablaze
Feet treading down a path the mind fears
Thoughts cursed with images of the one the heart yearns
And memories that refuse to let bygones be bygones
Still remembering that perfect smile
That first opened an account in my heart
Depositing in currency worth more than gold
And yielding a feeling so priceless
I tasted wealth though centless
But along came a shooting star
And she chased it
Willing to to trade a heart of gold for a gold chain
She left me to lead the good life
While robbing me at both chests
The one that had my heart, and the one that had my money

Angelic Warrior 26 August 2009

that has got to be robed of everything under the sun.....nice poem though.....pretty interesting :)

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Candace Johnson 17 July 2009

nice.... creative....differnt...great write

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Sally Carter 16 July 2009

Clever imagery - I have never seen the heart represented like this before. I like it.

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 07 July 2009

I need a financial expert to manage my assets.I can see your good at it.Nice piece Ronald.

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Tracey Wynn 07 July 2009

I enjoyed reading this poem. You wrote it well. It is different than most I have read and I like it. I give it a 10.

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