Recalled The Past, Os Ux Uz Us Shall Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Recalled The Past, Os Ux Uz Us Shall

Recalled the past, Os ux uz us shall

Os ux uz us shall be a strangest of voice which I shall recalled the past
A strange calling voice ring in my mind os ux uz us Oh my god goodness gesture me a voice
Which I can recalled in late 8: 47am fallen morning of days shall be late of year 2010 breezes
Of September shall be a fallen day a fallen share of dramatic acted of his shy soul

I recognized that voice once again; whom shall I say the past Romeo shall have long gone?
A year along gone just an acted just to heard my voices, Felt of him beneath my soul of heart that shall be lock

A feeling which dies in numbness’ of soul & heart shall be
As he ask for reservation of court but yet I knew him like an angel of god the lord
Knew how to guard it human I knew its sathic after all this time

He shall isn’t or shall never forget me alright like shall never does
Os uz ux or shall I said us a pound two divides of heart
This pulls us a part which shall be felt of torment in between
Us which lay a pound us sadly we shall fallen as a strangest we stand as a stood of a stone

By ME done late 9: 0 mornings are a breezes of September years Of 2010 morning shall be fallen shall I said mid of 22nd fallen

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