Racism Is A Disease Poem by Dela Bobobee

Racism Is A Disease

Rating: 3.5

The highest height of exhilaration is in sublimity
when a poet paints on canvas to sanitize notions
by using the spectrum of ethos weaned in errors
and just like the erudite all grand designer of life
chooses the primary colours of eternal sensibility
to convert from solid to gas and from wrong to right

choice of ideal colours was so limited in supply
so I decided to make use of what I have to paint
I stood beguiled on whirling spectrum of colours

In kindergarten, I was taught the primary colours
are red, blue and yellow which can not be made
by mixing other colours together in the paint box
but in the poetic chromaticity diagram of human life
I noticed with much intrigue that the colour white
is neither a primary, secondary nor tertiary colour
from the spectrum of life and that neither is black
the last colour among colours in the hue box of life
in the wavelength of life there are no lesser colours
and black and white can also be made by mixing
together other colours in primary colours of pure truth
more confused that white is not even a colour at all
or perhaps we all suffer from same colour blindness
when we refer to other fellow humans as the coloured
while we have red, yellow hairs, blue and green eyes
so the colour of a man’s skin is of no more significance
than the colour of his eyes in the continuum tint of life

the mortal human eyes see colours in shape of a cone
and the colours we actually perceive are coloured by
processing in the brain and do not depend simply on
how much each cone type is tickled to reflect in light
the complicated wiring that converts what we see on
our retina to what we get in our brain is traced in values
black pigment shields from ultraviolet harsh rays which
makes exposed skin darker just as the white pigment
protects exposed skin from the rather chilly artic whether

racism is a disease but albinism is not among hue defects
just as HIV aids does not kill but it is our attitudes that kill
in neutral matrix of hyperpoetics colour is used for effects
black and white in the background of each other vice versa
so why all these fuse about obnoxious racial discrimination?
and so why look at one another with so much recrimination?

remember, the colour white can be made by mixing equal
amounts of red, yellow and green, just as black can also
be made by mixing equal amounts of red, yellow and blue

and so do our differences lie in the addictive or subtractive?
maybe as black and white colours aren't used in colour mixing
to create colors they get excluded from colour mixing theory
and that is why they bicker and wage wars of the ludicrous?

remember when you add white to a color you lighten it
and when you add black you darken it to your own taste
know this too that you can add white to lighten a colour
but because this removes the vibrancy of a colour
you'll end up with a washed-out picture if you use white
to lighten all your colours you paint on the canvas of life
know this, too much use of black becomes opaque and
too much use of white becomes too transparent and dull
human co-existence knows no colour mixing limitations
but thrives peacefully on the harmony of unity in diversity
to reflect the radiance of the sun whose true colour is life
the time has come to live united in peace with one another
and direct our collective energy towards global cleansing
for this should be our priority to save the earth for posterity

Written by
Dela Bobobee©

Dela Bobobee

Dela Bobobee

Aveyime-Battor, Volta Region, Ghana
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