Polyacrostic Palimpsest - Dedicate Dream - Delicate Ditto Ditty Poem by Jonathan ROBIN

Polyacrostic Palimpsest - Dedicate Dream - Delicate Ditto Ditty

Dedicate Dream

Majestic maiden smiles, complete man scans
Amazed, nears woman angel, sacred, fault free
Unsung soul's crux, unused, dumb, soundless, can
Draw down, dropp dead-end deeds, and open key,
Etch heaven, heart enfeebled help, smart plan
Meld to mimamsa aim, dharma moments. Agree
As swept away are cares. Sea, earth round span,
Uniting human nature's future study
Destined idyll addressed, - add locked doors ban.
Ease scene. Remember if metered harmony
Mends madmen all, smart art may man pavan,
Age damns all hurrahs unshared - absurdity!
Unbundle unused fund of truth found dear,
Dedicate dream! Cede man-made fool dealt fear.

Polyacrostic Palimpsest robi3_1869_robi3_0000
6 March 2009 revised 11 March 2009


For those interested the name Maude appears 30 times in this polyacrostic

http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mimamsa

Sanskrit 'investigation' (Greek ί σ τ ο ρ ί α ;) , Hindu philosophy enquiry into the nature of dharma. Core tenets: ritualism, anti-asceticism and anti-mysticism. Central aim: elucidation of the nature of dharma,

http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dharma

Sanskrit. Indian philosophy righteous duty or virtuous path. Central concept explaining the 'higher truth' or ultimate reality of the universe.

Pavan - Courtly dance or dance music but n.b. French pavaner means also to parade vain as a peacock

Majestic magic moments come when man
Amazed prays woman, angel-faced, faultless
Unsung soul's crux, unused, dumb, soundless, can
Draw dawn, dropp dead-end deeds, and, date timeless,
Etch heaven, heart enfeebled help, smiles fan.
Meld to mimamsa aim, dharma. Mime's awareness
At last may act on Fates; sea, earth round span,
Uniting human nature through world progress,
Destined ideas addressed, - add locked doors ban.
Enframe: 'Remember ever men, events, impress
Minds maimed and small, all may mumm bland,
Away age carts unsaid, unspared, act useless.'
Unbundle unused fund of truth found dear,
Dedicate dream! Cede man-made fool dealt fear.

6 March 2009 robi3_1869_robi3_0000

For those interested the name Maude appears 30 times in this polyacrostic

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