Ph: Poetry: Words - The Heart Of Imagination? Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Poetry: Words - The Heart Of Imagination?

Words are the colors painted on imagination's canvas,
Even the brightest pigments are black and white without them,
Like motion pictures before Technicolor and 3D,
Like a three dimensional landscape made flat by binoculars,
However grand the venue might be,
Be it stellar in its aspect (infinite in scope) , or a single flower,
The miracle of a butterfly's wings unfolding,
Or the crossing of the bridge from potential to plausible life -
The scientist's view of a human egg's fertilization.

Words are the perfumes that dazzle the senses as fingers touch
The multi-textured surface of a woman's flesh,
From the sharpness of teeth, nails, and tongue,
To the softness of her desire to merge with you,
So close that her heart's rhythms impact you like earth's seasons,
The ocean's waves, the moon's tides, and a bird's song,
The keys that strike chords of passion, igniting the heart,
And cause the soul to resonate till you fear it must shatter
Like fine crystal in the face of a symphonic onslaught.

And yet words are so much more than all of this,
They are the father's strong voice of praise,
The mother's watchful lullaby, the warmth of a brother's hand,
The resounding joy of a sister's laugh, the essence of family.
Words too are the promise of the rainbow, (1)
The Christ embraced experience of human death,
'Even so, not My will, but Thine be done! ' (2)
The very covenant of God's Grace itself,
And creation too, simple words adorning God's Imagination.

Brian Johnston
October 17,2014

Poet's Notes:
(1) Rainbow Promise - God's promise to Noah's decendents to never again destroy all life on earth with water and flood. Only the people and animals on Noah's ark survived God's wrath according to this Biblical Story.
(2) Christ in contemplating his own crucifixion, petitions God to save Him from this fate, and yet still acknowledges His love of God and His willingness to obey.
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