Ph: Physics: Haiku: Colored Perceptions Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Physics: Haiku: Colored Perceptions

blue planet water
blue sky just scattered sunbeams
dusk's red, unbent light

Brian Johnston
July 28,2014

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Poet's Notes:
Isn't it great? Three wonders of nature explained in 17 words. It is so much fun sharing my love of Physics with others. Lay people in general have no idea the treasure they are missing. Of course Religious Literalists are the most deprived. They literally live in the stone age (and the rock is all between their ears!)

Physics is not a replacement for God in my mind, but rather, like a beautiful sunset, another way of viewing Him, of experiencing His love for us. Physics is just a different perspective of the same mountain as it were.

God is mysterious (but he is also accessible) . He is a humanist (loving us as He loves His own son) , a mathematician (the underpinnings of Physics) , a musician (think of the joy we experience in all harmonies, even discordant ones) , an artist (the waiting beauty of galaxies far exceeding the imagination of man) , a humorist (who besides me doesn't think that it is extremely funny that the Jews, as His chosen people, behaved no differently really than non-Jews - God granting special favours clearly does not make us better people. 'Just do this for me God and I will never stray! ' Really just hilarious!) , and on and on.

Really, as usual, Einstein had a very interesting perspective that I think we should all embrace, 'Reality is an illusion! ' And so it is folks! The only posture appropriate in the presence of God is one of extreme humility (and gratitude) . Let me quote one of my own echo poems here, Echo: Alone Too...

Alone….. with the lost! Are prayers ever answered?
Alone….. my heart overwhelmed. Could that be a prayer?
I look at the rainbow as summer squall passes
And find that I'm grateful that I am a player.

Aren't all of life's problems, in the grand scheme of things (if we are honest) really little more than a 'summer squall? '
Daniel Brick 29 July 2014

This is my favorite by far. I love the colors, and the progression from one line, one image to the next. I'm saving this one. I think I'll tape it next to my Marsilio quotation. That way each morning I will encounter the interior world in one and the exterior world in your haiku. BTW Renaissance scholars frequently invoke the hermetic principle AS ABOVE SO BELOW. Can we still speak in such terms or has modern physics shattered that perspective?

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