Persecución Poem by Samuel Santana


Rating: 5.0

Si el mar asume sus pasiones
de sales y lágrimas oscuras,
solo recuérdame como la
sombra que se alojó bajo el
semblante de tu
razón misteriosa.

Yo había visto sufrir mucho
los latidos sordos de los
huecos del viento,
las gotas secas del rocío
invernal y la llamada
quejumbrosa de una cruz
amarrada a orilla de un
camino torcido
y abandonado.

Y alguien,
cuya mirada se traslucía
como los dientes
hambrientos y salvajes
de un lobo cenizo,
iba tras mis pasos con
el sigilo de la muerte y
la actitud de una hora
siniestra y macabra.

Pero solo las hojas
podridas del silencio
conocían los rumbos de mis
màs renconditas intenciones.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dangerous
Aarzoo Mehek 12 October 2016

I hope it's meaning is close to your poem... very beautiful poem... Thanks for sharing

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Aarzoo Mehek 12 October 2016

If the sea assumes his passions salts and dark tears, only remember me as the Stayed shadow under the face your mysterious reason. I had seen suffer much beating the deaf Wind holes, dried drops of dew winter and the call plaintive a cross Moored on the banks of a crooked road and abandoned. And someone, whose eyes shone through as teeth hungry and wild a jinx wolf, It was after my steps stealth death and the attitude of one hour sinister and macabre. But only the leaves rotted silence knew the directions of my Why to choose renconditas intentions. Samuel Santana

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Samuel Santana 13 October 2016

Thanks for the effort. Some words distance themselves from the true sense, but what I liked is the interest in understanding the poem. I thank you deeply from my soul. Thank you and I hope to continue to count with your presence in this space

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Samuel Santana

Samuel Santana

Dominican Republic
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