Arthur Golding Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ouids Metamorphosis: Eleventh Book

Now whyle the Thracian Poet with this song delyghts ye mynds
Of sauage beastes, & drawes both stones and trees ageynst their kynds,

Ouids Metamorphosis: Fifteenth Book

A Persone in the whyle was sought sufficient too susteine
The burthen of so great a charge, and woorthy for too reigne

Ouids Metamorphosis: First Book

Of shapes transformde to bodies straunge, I purpose to entreate,
Ye gods vouchsafe (for you are they yt wrought this wodrous feate)

Ouids Metamorphosis: Fourteenth Book

Now had th' Evvboyan fisherman (whoo lately was becomme
A God of sea too dwell in sea for ay,) alreadye swomme

Ouids Metamorphosis: Tenth Book

From thence in saffron colourd robe flew Hymen through ye ayre,
And into Thracia beeing called by Orphy did repayre.

Ouids Metamorphosis: Thirteenth Book

The Lordes and Capteynes being set toogither with the King,
And all the souldiers standing round about them in a ring,

Too The Reader

I wouldnot wish the simple sort offended for too bee,
When in this booke the heathen names of feyned Godds they see.

Ouids Metamorphosis: Fourth Book

Yet would not stout Alcithoë Duke Mineus daughter bow
The Orgies of this newfound God in conscience to allow
But still she stiffly doth denie that Bacchus is the sonne
Of Ioue: and in this heresie hir sisters with hir runne.

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