Originated By The Chinese Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Originated By The Chinese

'We have come together today,
To express the results of our findings.
And to announce,
We have discovered without doubt...
The origin which has produced,
Such devastation!

The massive pain endured and suffered,
Has been pinpointed by the use of our research.
And overflowing facts...
Throughout this thorough investigation.

We suggest you sit back.
And relax.

Ladies and gentlemen...
The origin of this massive pain suffered by so many,
And agitating generations...
To enforce divisions and separations.
Has been caused by the reluctance to accept truth.
And an avoidance to pursue it.
As it is...
And not perceived.

We recommend,
Effective immediately...
An elimination of the feeding of delusions.
Even though this may create,
A society developing a lessened appetite...
For reality,
Yet fed overdoses of deceit and corruption.
And a withdrawal of their fantasies,
May create widespread outrage.
We predict will become crazed.

Long before a Spaniard landed on these shores...
And announced he was Christopher Columbus,
Of Italian birth but of a Spaniard disposition.
Nothing was mentioned of the navigational maps,
He followed.
Hollowed through rough seas.
And originated by the Chinese.
That guided his claims...
Or claims made,
Of his discoveries.'

~Excuse me?
So what are you saying?
This place ain't European?
Like we've been told and seeing?

Even though this is suppose to have been a melting pot,
Some folks got greedy and filled their own pockets!
And that has not been stopped.
And that's why they have taken all that we've got?
Using that and deceit.
To mask their treachery and treason.
To leave us empty handed before they made a clean sweep?
What about the Indians, the Aztecs...
The Africans. And...
Those who were here first,
The Eygptians.
Which no one cares to mention.
What about them?
This is so disappointing.
That would make a good movie! ~

Rxpressing your disappointment?
Or the reluctance to reveal this information?

It would be great to show how those Chinese,
Got us all hooked on having Chinese food on Friday nights.
And ain't nobody yet...
After all these years,
Can say a full sentence in their language.
I guess if something tastes good,
Who cares what it is called!
How to say it!
Now 'that' is amazing.~

Resources Used to Inspire This composition:

AOL Research Center
Christopher Columbus...
Crisoforo Colombkrestô'fõrõ kõlôm'bõ
Known in Spain as:
Colónkrestõ'bäl kõlõn'...1451-1506
Place of birth: Genoa, Italy

And the book,1421: The Year China Discovered the World
written by retired submarine commander and historian,
Gavin Menzies.

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