The Light and the darkness Poems

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The Lost Of Romance

In a timeless sphere a thought becomes born
Of something lingering in the heart of existence
A stir of emotion flows
As the thoughts in quantity grows

A Little While Longer

A little while longer we lie in this stillness of earth
The time silent, as it flies by to the ending of our mirth
Your presence brings peace in these moments sweet
Your touch release a stir long forgotten till now this meet

An Ode To The Fly To Die

O fly I see in the Egyptian sky
You fly and fly aiming straight for my eye
You test my patience you cause me to sigh
O why do you run my frustrations high

A Thousand Lights From A Mountain

Here I stand
In darkness of uncertainty
On the edge of a cliff in the middle of a night
A cool breeze is chilling my spine

The Propagation

A subtle tongue finds its way
To places where judgement still empty lay
A screen created in the minds of many
To paint the pictures seen by any

Island Blue

A placid stream flows through my thought
As a cool round liquid drop
Falling, but never to a stop.
A blue radiance cool around my mind

Ponderance Of Joy

What is joy, delight?
For delight is but distraction
Escapement of life

Search For The Divine

Words are few to describe the gentle crackling of an early dawn
When dark turns to life in a crisp new bristling
When enthused winged creatures stir away the nightly yawn
With sounds of verve on green growth moist’ning

Soaring Light

O pain of the poem where are you now
To inspire, to conjure my words of passion
Emotions so bare, so preciously full
To flood out the lines that stirs the soul


An endless beach a golden strand
Two lovers walking hand in hand
The swinging of arms
The chanting of tunes

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