On The Tampa Incident August 26 2001 Poem by Francis Duggan

On The Tampa Incident August 26 2001

The day Australia forever lost it's sense of a fair go for all
In years and decades from now historians will recall
When John Howard the then Australian P M brought politics into play
By not allowing a Norwegian ship with hundreds of rescued refugees to dock from Countries far away.

The only heroes of this sorry saga the Tampa Skipper Arne Rinnan and his crew
For when politics are used to cling to power heroes are always few
The news of the Tampa incident reached far beyond Australia's shore
And Aussie pride in the sense of a 'fair go for all' was lost forever more.

Howard and his Government were re-elected but a lot has changed since then
And he will not be remembered as one of Australia's best loved men
Though now he lives on his over generous pension since his Government met with defeat
And he even knows of the ignominy of losing his parliamentary seat.

August the 26th 2001 the day Australia lost forever it's sense of pride at the fair go
By clinging to power at any cost the Australian Government stooped low
The Government were returned to power for Australia a sorry day
But for the demonization of Asylum Seekers the prices is huge to pay.

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