On Germaine Greer Poem by Francis Duggan

On Germaine Greer

She tells her truths to Australians but some her truths do not wish to hear
But I am one of those who will always listen to the outspoken Germaine Greer
Some say now that she lives in England they hope in England she remain
And yet others they will tell you that Australia's loss is Britain's gain.

Criticisms from one of our own often can be hard to take
But Germaine tells it how she sees it and quite an impact her words make
Those who say dare she criticize us it would seem have got it wrong
Criticism can be healthy it can help to make us strong.

When she criticizes us for our values with her I cannot disagree
We do not give enough respect to Aboriginal culture and history
And we don't treat refugees at all well people from war torn Countries far away
To lock them up in detention centres not what one would call fair play.

Germaine Greer I do admire you as your equals are hard to find
When you feel the need arises you will always speak your mind
Yet sadly not enough are like you what you need to say you'll say
And may you keep on speaking your mind in old England far away.

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