Nostalgic Musings Poem by Faeza gilani

Nostalgic Musings

Thinking about those serene, semidiurnal times,

Walking down the memory lane

I found my heart drowning in sea of joy’s emotions.

Oh! How, they make me cry but,

Most of all those memories made me smile

And am surrounded by, Those Sounds, Smells,

And bitter sweet tastes we left behind,

The singing and the dancing in the rain

Laughing at every stupid little thing.

Swimming in the cannel in those moonlit nights

Running barefooted after one another pulling childish pranks,

Playing silly games,

Laughter’s were real and life so simple and free

How energetic & resilient were we,

Never realizing if we hurt ourselves

Nor did we ever feel any pain

Neither had we any worry.

Vividly I recall,

Those experiments! We performed;

Standing in front of the mirror

Making styles

Smoking cigarettes, coughing; laughing

Till the tears would run down our faces

And our bellies would hurt with laughing pain,

Those were some pretty crazy exciting times.

Over the years which have became an essential part of my life,

A sanctuary I retrieve to, When am falling apart.

So you see; it doesn’t matter my love,

how we lost our grip on time

The love we shared remained in our hearts and minds.

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