My Meeting With God Poem by Nur Meiyati

My Meeting With God

(A story told by I sent to me via an email and I paraphrased it for you. A reminiscence)

I just sent an email to God
But seemed He was not responsive
Instead I got scripts from the holy book and preachings from preachers
But they were difficult to be downloaded
Oh oh...
Seem God does not master new technology
It explains why He never updates his timeline on his Facebook account

Not satisfied, I DECIDED to meet Him face to face

Hey God
I have a question for you
Someone destroyed my life
I brought the case to the court
I fought hard in the court but I could not get justice
The police, the judges and the attorney asked me for money
I could not reveal it as it was against the law
Otherwise, like others, if I did not pay I would not get any justice

It has been a public secret and a common knowledge and common practice
That both the victims and the suspects should pay a certain amount of money
At least for 'accommodation” fund
One of the rules for a beautiful game
But they got more money from the suspect
You know, certain deeds can be brought into the court or not
According to the 'mood” and cases
It is determined by whether or not
You have money, connection, and bargaining value

And if you are really God you must have known what happened then

Why your scripts ask me to forgive her and them
As if I would not be loved by you if I kept my anger
Although you will argue that it is for my own benefit and the health of my soul
Because “I understand you better than you understand yourself”
Oh, I know now... that sentence is from you then
If it is, why you don't erase my misery and this feeling of anger from me
If it is, why didn't you help me to get justice

Answer me
Why are you just silent and wearing your peaceful face and friendly smile
That to me, on the contrary it makes you look s
Seem you don't care of anything
I swear I will not write the first letter of your name with a capital letter
If you stay that way

May I bargain?
You should understand me well, if you want to be my God
I can never do any cruelty to anyone, even for the sake of a revenge
But allow me for not forgiving them and keep my anger
Not till I get justice in this world as the setting of place
I tell you, I understand me better than you understand me
This feeling is good for the health of my soul
Better than having to feel guilty for not forgiving anyone who did cruelty to me
If you agree, then I will worship you as God

This is not, but might be part of....
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