Monster In The Dark Poem by Justin Reamer

Monster In The Dark

Restless sleep,
I try my best to rest,
Delve into the subconscious,
Let the fatigue overtake me
As I convalesce for the next day.
Sleep comes to no avail
As I lie there, wide awake,
My eyes cease to shut,
My fear eminent and wary.

I peer at the dark corner opposite
The window with the moonlight
Seeping through the glass.
A glance, awareness, a gasp.
Glowing red eyes illuminate
The vacuum of the room.
My heart palpitates arrhythmically,
Adrenaline shoots through my neurons,
Sweat profusely drips down my forehead
And covers the the surface of my palms.
I know those eyes—I know them well—
Those of the monster stalking me since childhood.

Lurking in my bedroom,
He watches me in I sleep.
When he’s ready, he strikes me with his rage.
The hideous creature, dark as night,
Burning bright with the radiant infernos of hell,
Attacks me with all his might.
He curses and bludgeons me,
Amputates my fingers and lacerates my scalp,
Bites my limbs and consumes them
As I try to struggle free,
Eviscerates my intestines and
Disembowels my stomach,
Ingesting them as I lie there, screaming,
In utter terror and indescribable pain.

Then Eros becomes his best comrade and
My worst adversary. He overtakes
The monster’s preposterous mind,
Leaving him at his worst as
He unclothes me and strikes me
From the rear end,
Painfully sticking a cork into my anus.

The pain—excruciating—
Consumes me every night as I sleep;
Nothing more unbearable or conceivable
As I struggle to stay alive.
The monster eats my heart,
Killing me as he did before,
I die, as I have millennia ago,
Happening repeatedly.

Like Prometheus, I regenerate and revive each night,
Suffering the same horrible fate as I am
Eternally damned for the crime I never committed,
But the monster—a true beast—continues to torment me,
The pain spreads through my flesh like
Machine guns lodging bullets in
My vital organs—turning me to a corpse.
I scream each time, each scream
Echoing throughout the darkness.
But no one hears them,
No one comes to aide me,
As I suffer the monster’s wrath.

I am a prisoner, a victim,
Never to be liberated,
Never to know freedom,
Beaten, bludgeoned, raped, and murdered
As the monster returns to my beside.
I can never shirk or evade him,
He always finds me wherever I go
Murdering me in the dark night,
Where I revive and die again.

I am forever cursed, a wretch in pain;
No one hears me, no one helps me,
I am the monster’s prey.
Alone in this world, helpless as
I struggle for love and affection,
Searching for ultimate serenity;
But find it, I shall not.
The creature knows my name,
Tracking me wherever I go;
It knows my name, my identity, my life;
Thus is my eternal damnation,
The zenith of my woes:
The creature is my father,
And I, its offspring.

Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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