Me And Myself Poem by priyanka choudhury

Me And Myself

Me and Myself
Never for a while alone
Always in a game,
In quest of love, in quest of stimulation
Running after the tiny planes in the sky
No wonder we always win, planes don’t stand a chance
They quiver and fly away..

Me and Myself
Taking in the fragrance of the roses
The smell of yellow pages of my dad’s books
And the stench of a room left dirty for forty days.
Partners in thick and thin- me and Myself.

Such an interesting person- this Myself
I love her company- always knowing what I should do
And giving me thousand reasons
As to why I am always right !
What an upright person- this ‘myself’.

We have grown up together,
Me and Myself.
Only sometimes did Myself grow up before me
Forcing me to leave behind
My momma’s tear stained kerchief.

And once Myself sent me scurrying to the job interview
When I was still at home fumbling with the answers.
Myself put me on my feet after I had fallen down
And hurt my bad knee, and pushed me to complete the race
I still don’t understand why- I obviously came last.

Only once did I get the better of Myself
I sat admiring a landscape, forgetful of college
Myself too sat unheeding
I came back to reality just in time
Called Myself, bent over her pages
Found her writing a song, my grandfather had taught us
Listen, she said, can’t you hear it resounding here
I can feel granpa sitting here, just next to me.
I stopped to listen….
And just as the song had started creeping on me I remembered my class
And pulled Myself away with me.

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