Mailrangam-Visvanathan-Venkataraman Poem by Mailrangam Visvanathan Venkataraman


Rating: 4.5


My poems if you can kindly read
A happy life you can surely lead
It is your welfare I really need
For that only I do poetic deed

I love to contribute my level best
So that I can infuse into you zest
Like the Sun from East to West
I love to show in you deep interest

Only your joy I love to gain
From this holy poetic bargain
If I can reduce your heart’s pain
I will have enough bliss to entertain

My aim is not to establish my supremacy
Greed will at last land me in the pharmacy
If I can supply you via my poems ecstasy
Then God Himself will pat my noble policy

If my poem can show you bright light
By escalating your mirthful delight
I will peacefully well-sleep in the night
I will truly marvel at my being right

If you can just go through my write
Useful ideas you will definitely sight
May become golden your heart-site
And vastly improve your brain’s might

Will you please give to my poem attention?
As my poems will reduce your tension
My poems are written with golden intention
In a way, your thanks, you may kindly mention

Positive ideas my poems soundly promote
For optimism only time I hopefully devote
Hundred percent you will sanction your vote
On life-ocean will safely cross your boat

Rhyme and rhythm will be superbly intact
Meanings’ placement will be finely compact
Your mind will start to favorably react
Poems will act to give an optimistic impact

Your life will take a miraculous turn
Plenty of peace you will start to earn
Poem will be to your soul a lantern
Bliss and joy will come never to return.

Samuel Jolaosho 07 April 2023

MVV Sire, thank you for this peaceful wit from Gilead!

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 10 November 2009

Your life will take a miraculous turn Plenty of peace you will start to earn Poem will be to your soul a lantern Bliss and joy will come never to return.i donot know why i could not know M.V.vemkatraman earliar.. i regret havingmissedthe opportunity...'Vasudhev katumbkam' world is my family and this is truely reflected in your poem.. i really loved your desire and goal too.. i salute to you as solier..10 read mine.. I am disgrace....go bacl..welcome... you all get lost

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