Lycanthrope Poem by daniel laurence


The moon calls to me
A dark message of the wolfs howl
A yellow moonlight feed to me
The strength in me grows
A power i not often feel consumes my being

A fear of me develops in the hearts of men
The women dare not approach me
Priests curse me to send me to hell
All as my senses raise as i await for attack

a Light of dim approaches
I run

Faster deeper into the unknown
were darkness consumes even the most bold of hearts
and death grasps the souls of the righteous

The light continues to follow its demise

a crack of sticks under foot
The shuffling of creatures unknown
The hiss of the silent unknown wind

The unwary approach me

Unknowing of there death resides in the darkness

She becomes visible in the yellow moonlight
her beauty is revealed
brown hair
green eyes
her soul untormenting

My heart begs to leave her unharmed
The taint inside forever grows though
so i approach her
death approaches her

My howl to weaken the hearts of the strongest
though she stands firm with love in her heart

My taint grows ever stronger
My murderous rage ready for another unwelcome soul
But yet she remains calm
Love remains in her heart

I howl ready once again to take life
But the rage

It is gone

Warmth returns to my blood
My heart resumes control
My form of the natural and once again i can love

She had placed a hand on the chest of a beast
and that hands remains still on the chest of a man

I have been saved from the beast
and i love her for it

But the beast remains
resting now

the beast now no longer answers to the moon
the beast now tamed answers to love.

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