Love Fought Back Poem by Iruuka Blackheart

Love Fought Back

Love fought back my depression
I thought love was not aggressive
But here it is fighting back
While i sit here and enjoy a snack?
I think naught I'm strong enough for this
I will keep things from going amiss
Goodbye depression, Love is stronger than you
Sorry Mr. T but i don't pity this foo
The foo is depression dark and mindless
It can barely fight back its become spineless!
See for the last couple months I've been
Depressed committing every sin
I realize now i was just a fool
My mind simply using em as a tool
But as i sat here ever day
Writing my poems in my own special way
Because i had realized love and love had ruined me
It pushed me to the point I wasn't who i was supposed to be
So everyday i wrote my poems
Wondering if any of them would become known
for they were dark and moody and raw fear
Then i realized something i hold dear
I thought and i thought and it was strong enough
I realized then how Love was tough
See love had ruined me, Made me empty
Then i realized why not live for love let it grow stronger every day, for i had plenty
So i thought i will live for love i will fight for it everyday it will become my best
And as for depression? just forget the rest
Remember me as the one who fought
Remember me as the one who brought
love into my life and conquered my own depression
With this poem i offer my own digression
And want to be known as the on who has conquered his fear
A feat not that mighty here
But to me it is great for i am one so weak
my love will continue growing until it has piqued
Then i will confess my love yet again like i did
But the love remains to the same person i bid
my feelings to before isn't that strange?
Or is it truly love which cannot be ranged
from 0-60 like a car
But must be nourished so that i may go far
And now i leave this poem happy
still thinking myself quite sappy(^_^)
Now that i know i live for love.....
may my swings spread and fly like a majestic dove
Written By: Lucas Howes AKA Iruuka Starheart (changed from blackheart to star heart)

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