Lord Of The Flies Poem Poem by Mandy Howard

Lord Of The Flies Poem

Lord of the Flies,
Trapped children will soon become,
Savages, corrupt, and will have their true survival instinct tested,
And how they act as individuals.
What will happen to their society?

Savagery by the way these kids act,
When they are left alone,
On an island full of littluns,
Where there holds no supervision,
And are now left to their own devices,
This savagery will become evident!

Corruption of power by the fact that there is much rivalry,
Between their voted leader Ralph,
And their wannabe leader Jack.
Both whom compete for being best,
While they focus mainly on who is the most respected,
By both the littluns and bigguns.

It's unfortunate to these confused littluns,
Who don't know what to say,
And even if they don't agree,
They are left to cooperate.
And when they voice their opinion,
The bigguns laugh maliciously,
Without even listening.

Yet these bigguns don't listen,
To both Ralph and Jack,
Who are still fighting for true power.

At the beginning, Ralph was the person, who found a conch in the lagoon,
Yet Piggy told him what he had to do,
For piggy has asthmas and isn't able to,
He told Ralph to blow on it instead,
For it was Piggy's idea that really boomed.
And soon after that the others came into view.

Piggy was getting the names of the littluns,
While Ralph was busy getting everyone's attention.

Once the attention was turned towards him,
He was interrupted by the wannabe leader Jack,
Who said that they need to be rescued,
Ralph butted in and said that they ought to have a chief,
Jack confidently asked who wants him to be chief,
Only the choirboys raised their hand obediently,
When Ralph asked who wants him to be chief,
Everyone except for the choirboys raised their hand,
Then Ralph announced that he was now chief,
And everyone including the choirboys applauded.

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