Looking For The Inner Peace Poem by Jacob Arden

Looking For The Inner Peace

Looking for the inner peace,

I am walking down my street,

in the North of London;

I ask myself: "How did I get here? "

Lately, I just been soul searching,

looking at my past and how it shaped my present.

"So what does the future hold for me? "

A young Somali man, confused about his identity.

Born in Arabia to the ‘descendants',

so always thought I was one.

"Wait, ain't I an Arab….Somali? "

I guess I can't remove my Arab identity,

and the influence it had on me.

Somalia the nation of poets.

Or my beloved Arabic poems,

the ones that I made a daily necessity,

otherwise my day feels incomplete.

And now poems in English? ? ?

England decided my fate,

to write these words in her tongue's ways.

"Is this why I'm walking on her capital's streets? "

I should really start making my way back;

I think I walked too far.

But still I have the space on my sheet

and this pen tempts me to still write.

Although I don't think it can withstand,

the millions of words trapped under this skull.

Yeah, they really wanna escape.

Call me the truth seeker;

I need to find my way.

Agnostic thoughts still surrounding,

the insides of this head.

I am just a human. One who wants to ask that ‘Only Question'.

Questioning your Creator,

trying to find the purpose of existence.

Many took that path,

and religion argues "Your consequence is Hell! "

I guess I'm Bipolar,

lost between two minds.

Probably more than that.

But at the end of the day,

I still feel close to Islam.

Just gonna recite my Shahada,

to remove all the doubts.

Tell my heart, mind and soul that:

"There's no God but ALLAH and Muhammad is his messenger."

Yes! I am back home, finally here "Mum can you open the door, it's Me? "

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