–“lock The Door As You Enter! -His Version” Poem by Seema joglekar

–“lock The Door As You Enter! -His Version”

Come leave out, the hesitations in your faltering steps,
Drawing rhythm from the shortness of your breath,
Like the subtle breeze that wavers at every obstacle,
Bring not their sighs that echo of the wind fretting through the reeds
The shrub shall shrink in the wind at the sprinkling of its pink blossoms.
Like the orb on a spin, you have reached the shore of my outstretched arms,
come the tide is in.
Lock the door as you enter.
Enter with the footfall of spring, bring its vengeance of colors sparing none
in its exuberance, in a glance, distil solace in my mind with the fragrance
of your dreams raising dust. Bring its fire and force to strike my troubled heart
Till it learns to revel in the power of its ache.
Leave out your disillusions and despair to wallow in the dirt and dust
of your sandals, let them not soil my sacred treasures of endearments,
I hold like the wealth of the late night skies hidden from the world,
throw your arms around.
Let it all fall away and drop to your feet in the veil of your shyness
I have been expectantly inviting every knock for days, in the hope
one day they would return with you in the end.
Lock the door as you enter.
Don’t glower at me if I choose to close the door on the world,
Let me be selfish this once and claim you from the world
like the moon claims the shadows bashful with its spectacle.
See, all the listless hours of waiting stand on tip-toe, to kiss your forehead.
Come step over my threshold, that stands between us like the sea
separating the shores. Come to me serene and pure, like a flower
washed clean by early dew at dawn. I want nothing less.
Come claim your creation waiting for the salute of its creator.
Don’t tarry the world is harsh, it may come knocking any moment
These few moments have gone unnoticed come let us live our eons in it
And find our eons riding on it. Lock the door as you enter.
Heaven awaits us journeying in a shooting star kindled by the fire
of my worship. Bare your forehead, let the kiss of my despair soften
the rush of your breath. Bear a little with my jealousy it has built its
sand bar against the howl of the wind. It has left me so cruel like one possessed,
my eyes glazed, I have wandered the realm of doubt aimless,
though you were before me, hurting you to feel the presence of my being.
Lock the door as you enter.
Bear, if I am cruel in claiming and usurping my prize, the fury of uncertainty
has claimed me so many times, like the rain-check croaked by the impatient frog
before a storm. How I gambled with my frustrations, casting my dice of trust,
to win you as my reward. When you were not near they stood up to mock me
like a field of poppies, with your absence, belittling my heavy heart.
Tease me not anymore, dallying like the rain-cloud’s shadows seducing
the heart-beat of the parched fields, hurry, if not, you shall bear the brunt
of my anxiety cloaked in the sweep of water and fire.
Don’t your vermilion lips have any whining complaints to hurl at me,
untie the knot of muttering laments held by your hair, bolting the door
of my heart, hold me captive.
Play not with my heart, enter stealthily and fast, the pain of love
has knocked my door umpteen times, craving for my company,
he knew not, how to open the door, so he lingered and left.
Lest he should enter unnoticed. Lock the door as you enter.

Enter at your own peril, I place in your hands gems woven
in the tapestry of the sun filtering through the leaves
in its glaring flash and dance of life, learn to value them,
be not careless, the rush of love is hard to contain
and its springs may not always brim.
Hold on to my dreams, I place in your hands for safekeeping,
if I ever miss out their fragrance keep their freshness alive
with the flame of your desires, like strips of clouds that
clothe the heaven.
I shall keep every footstep cushioned with
the softness of my thoughts, like the breeze gently rocking
the cradle of the flower, never allowing the coldness of worldly
things to seep in. Tread gently cause its my heart that is laid
out before you, come weigh the worth of your emotions glittering
in my eyes and their depth in the silence that goes on endlessly
eager to take you with it. If you come to lighten my heart,
come, let me unburden you with the song of my desires till
you reply with your song of contentment and let its notes
sweep over me like the comforting cold of granite, against a hot-flushed face.
Come let me avenge every moment you wasted, without hasting
to pluck the blossoms gushing over the fence of my patience.
The birds of dawn have come early today, this is a heart weighed
down by rocks of penitence, hurled by the languid hours of delay,
chastise the emptiness with your touch.
Come let me look at you without the restraints of the world
holding my ardor in check. Let the dam of obstructions of worldly ways
burst, let my thoughts soar in the magic of your presence,
to the stars, while you sit there demure, and bring
the impossible to my door. Lock the door as you enter.

Don’t be shy don’t avoid my wistful eyes they thirst like a man
wandering out of deserts of turmoil, let them devour you
without the trammels of worldly guilt. Let me claim you
from this wretched humanity as my very own claims on
immortality, give me your acceptance and your permission.
In love let our hearts mingle as the wick and flame
beyond parting, in the presence of the oil of our passions let it
burn with light. Lock the door as you enter.

Give me the courage to make you and break you a hundred times
till I have you as my very own, complete whole, to suit my heart’s
content, like that potter striving to fit the masterpiece of his imagination,
shatters his creation a hundred times, for his love of perfection.


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