Listening Poem by David Herbert Lawrence


Rating: 3.0

I listen to the stillness of you,
My dear, among it all;
I feel your silence touch my words as I talk,
And take them in thrall.

My words fly off a forge
The length of a spark;
I see the night-sky easily sip them
Up in the dark.

The lark sings loud and glad,
Yet I am not loth
That silence should take the song and the bird
And lose them both.

A train goes roaring south,
The steam-flag flying;
I see the stealthy shadow of silence
Alongside going.

And off the forge of the world,
Whirling in the draught of life,
Go sparks of myriad people, filling
The night with strife.

Yet they never change the darkness
Or blench it with noise;
Alone on the perfect silence
The stars are buoys.

Tommy Stroller 03 April 2020

The distance between the stars is silence That span I make my winding sheet Crave for the absolute disinheritance From words but not by words TS

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sharon 23 January 2018

to break through my shyness that would be something /but unlikely/shyness mistaken for guilt

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sharon 23 January 2018

why is everyone so sure i will when i know that i wouldnt baffled /all of it baffeling

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David Herbert Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence

Nottinghamshire / England
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