Limestone Roadxx Xxx Xx Improvisation (No.8) 09 14 2016 Poem by Lee Mack

Limestone Roadxx Xxx Xx Improvisation (No.8) 09 14 2016

Charlotte, NC 28269

Improvisation (No.8) 09 14 2016
09 10 2016(No.6) xx 02 22 2014
Original 12 26 2013 Columbia, Maryland 21044

[Several stanza covering about 3 0r 5 pages
depending upon formats]

Limestone Road:

Limestone road we no longer need
A hit for highs from dust and grind
Sewer lines through flues down gutter
Spouts over spillways into endemic
Cholera share creeks where we swim
Inexpressive swimming-strokes taken
To tipping points in synchronicity
Reach to bridge high to trestle
Tracks lifted above trenches below
B&O freight trains on wheels on rails
Over waste of oak tree runoff into
Streams ditched by and strung to trestle
Bridges to span from grounded electric
Sun rays magnetized and alchemized into
Golden tips of black phallic firemen's caps
Erected to unseal envelops opened to
New life swelling to the stretched orifice
That frames a modesty coalesced into a
Sweetness of change into a metaphor

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. No permission granted.

(Lee B. Mack, Limestone Road, Page 2 of 5)

Barren backyards crust behind Negro
Shacks down by that part of town
Police called 'Creek Bottom' where up
The hill to the corner grocery store
Over the railroad crossing shelves of
White owned stock would rot waiting
The ability of black wages to rise and
Both inventories to sort as soon as
Interest disappeared absorbed by high
Grounds and reservoirs perking in a
Chemistry of bonds in a distant village
White masked poor and black souls toil
As underemployed peoples reposed in a
Restless sleep -the two dream voodoo
Pleasures to scare each other - on edge
At prefaces of the pit of economic war
The Lord's next supper for the better
Forgives and then deny him or not-

Provided discerning spirits - forgiving
Communes in the Lord's broken body
At home stoking coal to raise chimney
Smoke at ends of day and night long
Winters - hope barely survives winters'
Faith - fails unconditional love for
The common-law laborers' work - hallow
Fields - rural route delivery trucks
Ware-house stock-shelf stackers work
The nights - audiles break off with
Whistles and horns - sound approaches
In foehns at tipping points - emotional
Whims make conditional love as often
As storms and winds combine to recreate

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. No permission granted.

(Lee B. Mack, Limestone Road, Page 3 of 5)

Wakes making sounds as rails vibrate to
Hum perfect pitch-art imitating love
Making xylophonic and fiddle string
Music - tightened to tune instrumental
Perfect pitch -clack creaking steel
Wheels react to silent interludes…
Joint nails tie creosol logs to rails
And ring out soul in measured symphonies
Skeptical of the synchronicity and
Blessings - the fulfillment of hope
And the seeing heart that beats to the
Tempo of love - the courthouse shut down
Face to face the revolutionary grace

For ritual holidays witnesses stand in
Jury boxes making hallow pleas for
Justifiable appeals to merciless chits of
Mockeries - chambers empty justice shakes
The judges' chambers quake -State and
Local legislatures and banks close on
Condition red -no one hears what civism
Says -moments pass him by ghostly - graves
Dug with holes open and empty wait to hear
What certainty says - read the lift and
Drift as dust from limestone roads settle
Read on to the end through the undertaker's
List read - raised deathpasses returned
As never dead certain - so the word said
Inhale limestone dust - outlive the country
Boy's hit as it is -the farm girl lives
Neighborly over the cow patch hill a high
Dose cause Of lust -drugs quickly knock out
Last traces of pain and leaves the sickness
Of resident condemnation in the senses

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. No permission granted.

(Lee B. Mack, Limestone Road, Page 4 of 5)

Troubling-in-mind and genetic soul root
Increases growth to mimic life to wit to
Lie to laughter lacking in the sweet talk
Espoused in it for the comedic reasoning
Truth re-represents in last cold emotions
Industrial waste and innovation tastes of
Revolutions' enticements - shoo cats of
Con and divide interest charged the poor
For the richness of fat leftover - for
Which is reality transformed of all best
questions written or the dry rot of
magnetized and alkhemical abandonment of
Afterbirth - sic dogs upon it - cover old
Limestone road with sparse verdure - mark
The bleed of health and peel away the
Absurdity from the den of iniquity of
Riches - from bark of trees Underfoot
Falling to cemeteries - roots vine below
Ground in strata of wastes from mouths of
Humanity recording markings on faces of
Stars and stone carved with pencils of
Bone -the alien in darkness sweeps away
Wasted human word leaving no trace of
Praise in the definite article for Elohim -

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. No permission granted.

(Lee B. Mack, Limestone Road, Page 5 of 5)

Nature burns to choke on cough to spit
Thyroid on soot and tar fires -coal burns
To turn simplest meaning to strange love
Unnecessarily to the love of change
Waters poured above and below the wash
Away of firmament in software oils rubbed
Into plasma starched to roll into dough
For common bread - drain fish of oils for
Anointing - rub away the dead once skin
And dust to limestone road covering and
Soon disintegrating to magnet force fields
Moving in wind and thorn spirals of time.
Vines sprout to reign over unrighteous
Branches -so to lead to find the woman
At home protected by rights of birth - the
Life of all you can give walks on dried turf
To survive -emanate to the stem through
The cells as chlorophyll in veins of leave'''
Alongside in safety on shoulders inside
Fences by the edge of limestone roads.

Lee Mack copyright 2009. ISBN # 0615318347. No permission granted.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: roads
Roads of rails on trestles of limestone rocks and dust; trestles and pits to the depths to negro shacks 30 feet from elementary school rooms carved in a VFW lodge hall; dividing it from a field of graves and headstones identifying black soldiers of Kentucky civil war dead of 1864; and a six grade student of 1948 sitting on an outhouse pot hole 20 feet from the class room and 10 feet from the trestle and the train rails; dictionaries omit all the words of our language but cannot smother to death the waves of the spirit...
Lee Mack

Lee Mack

Shelbyville Kentucky
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